Definitely one to open up to the public

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I learnt yesterday that my local Waikanae Beach health centre is closing (it’s less than 10 years old) because of lack of staff and funding. That’s front line. There’ll be many angry and worried people in my rohi.

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That is a hard read this morning. When it's so bleak can we have the heart warning photo of the dog at the start.

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Thanks John. Good idea. Will remember today when we take Tim for a walk.

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Suggest Minister Upston requires a more fitting title:

Social Bandit Development Minister.

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We can really hear the anger and frustration in your voice today, Bernard. Thank you for consistently illustrating the big picture, and also for highlighting brighter solutions.

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Louise Upston’s comments about any pushback being political? WTF isn’t she a politician and aren’t her decisions political I.e. policy based? What level is she expecting to have resistance from? The metaphysical? Let me get my crystals🔮

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This comment deserves an award! Thank you!

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We seem to have a government of dumb heartless puppets dancing to the tune of some dark masters. Terrifying to helplessly see the social fabric of our nation being ripped apart on a daily basis.

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If they had said pre-election they were going to lay off health workers and that they thought privatisation was best for the health system then they would have never been elected. If you read Hollow Men by Nicky Hager you will see that National and ACT have a long history of omitting to tell the public about their real plans, instead hiding them behind vague endlessly repeated words like “education, law and order, economic growth and productivity…”

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Don't forget the endless never-ending Māori bashing just to stir it all up as well.

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Hollow Men should be require reading in Highschools..

Am amazed that there isn’t talk of a Coup D’etat or at least a Vote of no Confidence.. Sound of Neo Liberal Toilet being flushed..

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Yes Gregory!!Me too!

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Morena Bernard. I'm a senior registered contract Social Worker who works with vulnerable people in Otautahi. I feel frustrated as you do when you describe the ladders being drawn up in every area vulnerable people depend on. At times I feel despair at the cruel and inhumane decisions made by this Government. I agree it's similar to the 'Mother of all budgets' era. I was starting out in my adult life then. How are we to ever shrink the gap between the 'haves and have nots' when we have such a political pendulum swing between polarised parties?

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Thanks Susan.

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I would like to bump this one up over 100 likes and open it up for wider sharing as quickly as I can. Thanks again for the patience and support and generosity of paying subscribers.

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A BIG THANK YOU Bernard for all the work you are doing. This mornings Pod Cast was hard to hear and was clearly hard to deliver, appreciate the clarity of insight and recognise the toll on you. Please open up to the public so everyone can hear what is really going on in NZ.

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Please open to the public. Everybody needs to hear the truth.

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I think we need to take to the streets to tell this Government what we think of their heartless austerity approach. The health system touches everyone and we all lose by running it down. Thanks for your work in highlighting these injustices.

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I'm currently reading 'Investing in Tomorrow' by Rewiring Aotearoa. As someone very keen on timely climate action this sentence jumped out at me. "Because electrification of households is an available technology today (unlike green steel, or zero emission animal agriculture or aviation), we should look at eliminating these emissions as fast as possible to do the early work of mitigation while the technologies needed to decarbonise other sectors mature." Let's do this practical action while researching the harder stuff!

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Yes, I agree with this conclusion. SolarZero/Ecotricity provided me with 16 panels and a battery in a 20 year contract, for no capital outlay and around $110/month. It was a no brainer for this pensioner, and I can’t see why all schools and public buildings couldn’t do the same.

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It's not often the anger and frustration in your voice is so palpable. Would love to see this one opened up to the public

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Thanks Bernard for highlighting the recent changes and challenges for people with disabilities and their family and supporters. I can hear the disgust, and rest assured you are not alone in feeling this way.

Other parts of the hidden new Disability Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) and Residential Care document that are concerning are included in Dr Graham's substack. Point's 47 and 49 seem to mean if a NASC organisation or Enabling Good Lives (EGL) organisation is over their budget they are to bring forward annual reviews of the person and family they support. Given there is effectively a 5% cut (As Peter Reynolds, Disability Advocate, reportedly mentioned) is Disability Support and Services funding, it seems many organisations will be over budget.

Frankly, this is disgusting, concerning, and needs to be made public. I hear, via Disability Advocacy Groups there are protests planned in early September. So those interested can attend these if you wish

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