Great discussion with plenty of good science. Pity most of it is so “doomy”. Where is the Messiah too lead us all out of this? It’s all just too existential to bear thinking about for too long at one time. Not good for the mental health!

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The danger with single effect metrics - less sulphur >> less dimming is that earth systems are complex. Too complex for modelling. What other damage to ecosystems is sulphur doing? The best way to create albedo clouds is through the aerosols generated by rich and diverse ocean ecosystems. Generally, anything that reduces toxins and enhances life is good for healing the climate. Sometimes science appears to be used to support BAU.

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Just before I listed to Bernard and Catherine, where they discussed (among other things) the US Army looking at climate change from a security view point, the looming possibility of a second Trump presidency and what that would mean for climate actions ... I had read yesterday's "Letter from an American" that details (among other scary things) the guys who have just been installed on the House Intelligence Committee and what that entails. God help us!

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Regarding the Nature paper, there is good discussion on this topic at:


The general view seems to be that 'yes, there's something in this, but also that there's a real possibility that the contribution of reduced sulphur dioxide emissions from shipping to recent warming is overstated'. As ever, caution is required in reading too much into one published paper....

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