Perceptionware, George has coined a good term there, hope it sticks. It is quite incredible how readily these saviour technologies get regurgitated and proliferated by all kinds of sources. Even the IEA website is guilty of it. But who doesn't want to hear that miracle technology will save us, or in other words, that we can continue stat…
Perceptionware, George has coined a good term there, hope it sticks. It is quite incredible how readily these saviour technologies get regurgitated and proliferated by all kinds of sources. Even the IEA website is guilty of it. But who doesn't want to hear that miracle technology will save us, or in other words, that we can continue status quo with our lifestyles and consume our way to sustainability?
Perceptionware, George has coined a good term there, hope it sticks. It is quite incredible how readily these saviour technologies get regurgitated and proliferated by all kinds of sources. Even the IEA website is guilty of it. But who doesn't want to hear that miracle technology will save us, or in other words, that we can continue status quo with our lifestyles and consume our way to sustainability?