Cabinet set to decide to keep Auckland in level 4 and rest of NZ in level 2.5 for at least another week with 34 cases still 'unlinked' and three sub-clusters still not contained
Thanks Michelle. From the bottom up. The Govt doesn’t choose the questioners. Members of the press gallery are the questioners and only the gallery decides who gets in. Typically people working full time for established (new and old) news organisations. I accept the Ministry’s case numbers. We should all get vaccinated. Pfizer doesn’t specify what treatments we’re allowed. There is a lot of data on who is hospitalised, with ages. Etc. The PM said days ago the death was not linked to vaccination. Just FYI Michelle. This is a site for debate about vaccines. Thankyou.
Morning Bernard, I would love someone to ask how long the Government intends to keep Auckland in level 4 if elimination does not succeed. What/where is the contingency planning if we cannot get to zero and mystery cases continue to pop up. The Herald has an expert saying that would lead to requiring extensive vaccination which would be November. I would also like someone to ask if the intention is to keep the full allotment of 17 MIQ facilities in Auckland up and running if we somehow manage to get out of this lockdown and return to some form of normality. This could at a minimum inform people's long term planning around the risks of living in Auckland. Thank you.
Thanks Robert. Great questions. I don't expect level 2 restrictions to end until mid 2022 nationwide and the border to stay closed through until 2023 at the earliest. But that's just my view from watching the reporting on the epidemiology and how committed govt and voters are to elimination, along with the vulnerability of our health care systems and the difficulties getting over 95% vaccination rates.
Thank you for taking the time to respond Bernard. It is safe to say from my unscientific poll of opening my front door and stepping outside that the tolerance and appetite for Auckland's role in NZ's elimination strategy is certainly waning. It's very easy for the rest of the country to be supportive of elimination when they don't have to make any sacrifice (certain businesses aside I acknowledge) and are able to send their kids to school or go to a restaurant or pub, all things in Auckland we are staring at weeks and weeks of being unable to do.
Morena Bernard, there seems to be a fair bit of frustration with small business that the financial assistance is dependant on a reduction on income from similar periods last year … when we were in lockdown last year?! And, does the government now regret opening up the borders and exposing the NZ public and economy to the Delta variant without herd immunity? For the sake of a few holiday makers, we are facing an astronomical financial loss especially given the governments firm stance on elimination.
Will Luxon cancel Christmas if the Turkeys complain? Honestly bizarre to take your lead from the Shadbolts and Fosters let alone Labour has beens who run our councils. Hugely unlikely, but if Luxon is ever in any position of power house prices will go even crazier if his approach is to bend the knee to barely democratic councils. Though Labour had made a typical mistake of over consulting.
Hello Bernard could you please ask - How can the government justify allocating 380 MIQ spots to participants of the Dubai Expo when both offshore and onshore kiwis (returning from overseas) are unable to get a spot to return to NZ. These Kiwis are experiencing the highest levels of trauma and anxiety not knowing when they can reunite with family. Others' visas have expired and are now overseas illegally. Emergency allocation is sparse and extremely hard to obtain. How can the government justify the need to allocate these 100s of spaces for business, arts and entertainment purposes when their own citizens often in dire need are being prevented from returning?
One case in point: a couple in Queensland who are in danger very soon of being overseas for more than 26 weeks but they are unable to comply with requirements for keeping their pension as they have been locked out of NZ. They have been told if this situation remains into November, they will have to repay their pension back-dated to when they left New Zealand to attend to family matters.
Please ask the PM who has decided the priority order of awarding places in MIQ, seemingly to elite sports players, athletes, and NX Expo attendees over ordinary Kiwis wanting to make compassionate trips overseas to be with sick or dying family members. Where is the fairness & moral ethics? This remembers that NZ is hugely a country of “recent” immigrants from all over the World.
Morning Bernard . Excellent question suggestions below . Some others to consider . How much longer does the government expect Aucklanders to be compliant ? Apart from health advice who else does the government consult around level change decisions. Business leaders ? Education representatives? Mental health experts ?
To get more people vaccinated what is the plan to take the vaccine to the people , into schools , workplaces and churches . I understand this is being done on a small scale now but what is the larger scale plan to roll this out. And finally , as the government seem to be aware and focussed on the sub cluster areas would they consider locking these areas down and letting the rest of Auckland open up in level 3 . Thankyou .
Exactly Natalee! Where is the plan beyond the plan? Where are the contingency plans? If Plan A doesn't work, where is Plan B or C? The silence is deafening.
Bernard - please can you ask why there is no pathway for New Zealanders trapped in Auckland to return home to other regions. There must be thousands and they're receiving trite 'it's too dangerous' responses from officials when they apply for transit permits. Families separated, employees that can't get back to work... we're not talking about going to the bach here, we're talking about getting back home, to the partner, the dog and improved mental health. Suggestions could be: get a test before they leave and another on arrival? Double vaccinated only can apply? Something has to be done. The risks could be managed and they're too low to warrant the distress the separation is causing.
If elimination succeeds this time, but a few months later we have another leak out of MIQ, is the government planning to lock down again until elimination?
What steps are the government taking to condition the public that elimination is not a viable ongoing strategy? Some suggestions. 1. Don't listen solely to public health academics who don't seem to understand economics (or human behavior during multi-week lockdowns). 2. Keep things in perspective by posting three stats every day - i) Covid cases, ii) Covid deaths & iii) total number of people who died anyway (on average just under 100 a day). 3. Highlight the social and economic cost of elimination and the fact that Covid will become endemic, even if we do eradicate it this time.
If they don't start to open borders I see the brain drain starting again as people (like myself) relocate offshore purely so they can keep their businesses running. Zoom doesn't cut it after a while.
From an economics point of view and the given the pandemic effects on the poorest and most vulnerable are worse does the Government have plans to permanently house the 44,000 homeless and raise incomes, benefits and standard of living to make everyone more resilient to this virus as many of the complaints I see are “first world problems” like not enough low paid slaves to work, I want my international travel back, I need to get a holiday in my Bach etc etc but no one seems to have a plan on the crowded and substandard living conditions or necessity to work when it’s risky to do so economically. We now from the 1935 Labour govt their where answers and action on this but Labour appears to be AWOL on their traditional values and immersing themselves in identity culture and PR spin rather than the structural reforms needed and expected of them. They deserve credit for their response even though they’re making a daily meal of it when they could just direct the response without daily rehashing and get on with their real work of tax reforms and improving living circumstances for all NZs. It’s starting to feel like Groundhog Day as they fail to put in permanent adequate defences and front taking us all in circles on one bio security and public health issue. A situation like this warrants Government taking possession of resources needed (forestry and other critical resources) to ensure work keeps getting done.
Not sure they deserve credit for their response considering Auckland wouldn't be in L4 if we were vaccinated earlier. This point is being conveniently overlooked by the MSM and it has to stop
And we can’t force it under BORA so proper quarantine is best. Where are 900,000 Kiwis returning going to live? There’s no chance even with a massive countrywide building and loan scheme (which I favour)prices will go down. They’re decision cripples.
That’s right even 95 percent won’t stop breakthrough infections and overwhelming our hospitals with it not only mutating but going round and round like we all are a 8 months is when the need for boosters is advised (UK from memory). So I guess we’re back to “kill the poor”.
Proper quarantines are the best fix and the cries of let the poor of the world be vaccinated first (as if) were just virtue signalling. Our Governments job is solely to work for us. I often wonder given where all the profits go and how comfortable they are who they are working for. Again as if it’s not obvious. On a very basic chart I wish they’d hold up at a presser of who gets our countries money and resources , to whom does our created money flow?
Please ask the questions that are being ignored by the rest of the journalist, there are many excellent questions listed already.
A major question I feel is not asked is how they can continue to strive for elimination for something that cannot be eliminated?
Holding it at the borders in the hope of no leaks isn’t eliminating it. Even vaccinations won’t stop transmission so are we going to continually be thrown into lockdowns?
In the meantime those us of stuck in Auckland are being detained in our homes and have no freedom, for some ludicrous idea of elimination based on what scientific evidence…
Apart from the fact it can be kept out as other diseases have, even for livestock and fruit as well as people, I am concerned most of the media are either foreign or toddlers or both. Without knowledge of history, interested in petty matters or identity issues rather than substantive issues. Creepy.
Haha I can see us all being compared to fruit and livestock. Never mind the fact that they don’t need to travel in, out or around NZ, keeping those disease out of the country is easy.
I agree most of the media are questionable, focusing on completely wrong points, wonder whether the questions/journalists vetted first…
Possibly these kids in the media and Trumpian pitchforks don’t know we ALL had to be vaccinated in order to travel with passports and visas records. I just don’t comprehend this fragility, hysteria and narcissm around reasonable safety controls. It just seems arrogant and ignorant to me.
I absolutely can. And proper border quarantine is most effective not vaccine but if people want to travel they have to suck it up like we always have had to to not risk others. Seriously some in leadership are entirely impractical and some have drunk bleach, taken deworming meds in preference to vaccines so there is a problem which leadership needs to solve for over a year now. It’s a pathetic performance frankly and people, quite justifiably, do not trust any Government ultimately.
A couple of them keep bombastically assuming most NZers don’t believe in our elimination strategy without citing any evidence at all. PM must be heartily sick of it as are we all as this narrative keeps getting coverage when I don’t think it’s evaluated or remotely true except from a few vested interest groups.
If anything we’re annoyed they caved to pressure on the Aussie bubble and let returns dodge MIQ and this spread the virus and made us all Lockdown (twice). They need to take responsibility for proper border controls once and for all.Vaccination can only be a second tier strategy. Albeit an effective on as Dr Blomfield said we would have 600 cases in hospital a day and we can’t sustain and haven’t resources that yet either and probably never will satisfactorily considering new variants.
First to get a handle on demand - how many MIQ applications currently exist that have not yet been allocated a slot?
Second, why are public MIQ bookings suspended in October and November - is govt afraid that outbreak will not be controlled?
Third (broken record) - what is the target vaccination level for re-opening? Childish response of 'we want everyone to be vaccinated' is something from Never Never Land
Please ask about when MIQ opening also about prioritising citizens returning to NZ to live over sports teams, business people etc... How can the government leave families without jobs, accommodation, visas when we have a right to return home. The wellbeing of thousands of Kiwis stranded overseas needs to be a priority!
Morning Bernard when is the media going to start asking more about MIQ what's happening with it there is know reason why they can not release this new lobby system so at least people could get registered with it and start to learn more about it even if we still can not book a room
Thanks Michelle. From the bottom up. The Govt doesn’t choose the questioners. Members of the press gallery are the questioners and only the gallery decides who gets in. Typically people working full time for established (new and old) news organisations. I accept the Ministry’s case numbers. We should all get vaccinated. Pfizer doesn’t specify what treatments we’re allowed. There is a lot of data on who is hospitalised, with ages. Etc. The PM said days ago the death was not linked to vaccination. Just FYI Michelle. This is a site for debate about vaccines. Thankyou.
Morning Bernard, I would love someone to ask how long the Government intends to keep Auckland in level 4 if elimination does not succeed. What/where is the contingency planning if we cannot get to zero and mystery cases continue to pop up. The Herald has an expert saying that would lead to requiring extensive vaccination which would be November. I would also like someone to ask if the intention is to keep the full allotment of 17 MIQ facilities in Auckland up and running if we somehow manage to get out of this lockdown and return to some form of normality. This could at a minimum inform people's long term planning around the risks of living in Auckland. Thank you.
Thanks Robert. Great questions. I don't expect level 2 restrictions to end until mid 2022 nationwide and the border to stay closed through until 2023 at the earliest. But that's just my view from watching the reporting on the epidemiology and how committed govt and voters are to elimination, along with the vulnerability of our health care systems and the difficulties getting over 95% vaccination rates.
Thank you for taking the time to respond Bernard. It is safe to say from my unscientific poll of opening my front door and stepping outside that the tolerance and appetite for Auckland's role in NZ's elimination strategy is certainly waning. It's very easy for the rest of the country to be supportive of elimination when they don't have to make any sacrifice (certain businesses aside I acknowledge) and are able to send their kids to school or go to a restaurant or pub, all things in Auckland we are staring at weeks and weeks of being unable to do.
Morena Bernard, there seems to be a fair bit of frustration with small business that the financial assistance is dependant on a reduction on income from similar periods last year … when we were in lockdown last year?! And, does the government now regret opening up the borders and exposing the NZ public and economy to the Delta variant without herd immunity? For the sake of a few holiday makers, we are facing an astronomical financial loss especially given the governments firm stance on elimination.
Will Luxon cancel Christmas if the Turkeys complain? Honestly bizarre to take your lead from the Shadbolts and Fosters let alone Labour has beens who run our councils. Hugely unlikely, but if Luxon is ever in any position of power house prices will go even crazier if his approach is to bend the knee to barely democratic councils. Though Labour had made a typical mistake of over consulting.
Hello Bernard could you please ask - How can the government justify allocating 380 MIQ spots to participants of the Dubai Expo when both offshore and onshore kiwis (returning from overseas) are unable to get a spot to return to NZ. These Kiwis are experiencing the highest levels of trauma and anxiety not knowing when they can reunite with family. Others' visas have expired and are now overseas illegally. Emergency allocation is sparse and extremely hard to obtain. How can the government justify the need to allocate these 100s of spaces for business, arts and entertainment purposes when their own citizens often in dire need are being prevented from returning?
^ This. FFS! Being kind?
One case in point: a couple in Queensland who are in danger very soon of being overseas for more than 26 weeks but they are unable to comply with requirements for keeping their pension as they have been locked out of NZ. They have been told if this situation remains into November, they will have to repay their pension back-dated to when they left New Zealand to attend to family matters.
Please ask the PM who has decided the priority order of awarding places in MIQ, seemingly to elite sports players, athletes, and NX Expo attendees over ordinary Kiwis wanting to make compassionate trips overseas to be with sick or dying family members. Where is the fairness & moral ethics? This remembers that NZ is hugely a country of “recent” immigrants from all over the World.
Morning Bernard . Excellent question suggestions below . Some others to consider . How much longer does the government expect Aucklanders to be compliant ? Apart from health advice who else does the government consult around level change decisions. Business leaders ? Education representatives? Mental health experts ?
To get more people vaccinated what is the plan to take the vaccine to the people , into schools , workplaces and churches . I understand this is being done on a small scale now but what is the larger scale plan to roll this out. And finally , as the government seem to be aware and focussed on the sub cluster areas would they consider locking these areas down and letting the rest of Auckland open up in level 3 . Thankyou .
Exactly Natalee! Where is the plan beyond the plan? Where are the contingency plans? If Plan A doesn't work, where is Plan B or C? The silence is deafening.
Bernard - please can you ask why there is no pathway for New Zealanders trapped in Auckland to return home to other regions. There must be thousands and they're receiving trite 'it's too dangerous' responses from officials when they apply for transit permits. Families separated, employees that can't get back to work... we're not talking about going to the bach here, we're talking about getting back home, to the partner, the dog and improved mental health. Suggestions could be: get a test before they leave and another on arrival? Double vaccinated only can apply? Something has to be done. The risks could be managed and they're too low to warrant the distress the separation is causing.
If elimination succeeds this time, but a few months later we have another leak out of MIQ, is the government planning to lock down again until elimination?
What steps are the government taking to condition the public that elimination is not a viable ongoing strategy? Some suggestions. 1. Don't listen solely to public health academics who don't seem to understand economics (or human behavior during multi-week lockdowns). 2. Keep things in perspective by posting three stats every day - i) Covid cases, ii) Covid deaths & iii) total number of people who died anyway (on average just under 100 a day). 3. Highlight the social and economic cost of elimination and the fact that Covid will become endemic, even if we do eradicate it this time.
If they don't start to open borders I see the brain drain starting again as people (like myself) relocate offshore purely so they can keep their businesses running. Zoom doesn't cut it after a while.
From an economics point of view and the given the pandemic effects on the poorest and most vulnerable are worse does the Government have plans to permanently house the 44,000 homeless and raise incomes, benefits and standard of living to make everyone more resilient to this virus as many of the complaints I see are “first world problems” like not enough low paid slaves to work, I want my international travel back, I need to get a holiday in my Bach etc etc but no one seems to have a plan on the crowded and substandard living conditions or necessity to work when it’s risky to do so economically. We now from the 1935 Labour govt their where answers and action on this but Labour appears to be AWOL on their traditional values and immersing themselves in identity culture and PR spin rather than the structural reforms needed and expected of them. They deserve credit for their response even though they’re making a daily meal of it when they could just direct the response without daily rehashing and get on with their real work of tax reforms and improving living circumstances for all NZs. It’s starting to feel like Groundhog Day as they fail to put in permanent adequate defences and front taking us all in circles on one bio security and public health issue. A situation like this warrants Government taking possession of resources needed (forestry and other critical resources) to ensure work keeps getting done.
Not sure they deserve credit for their response considering Auckland wouldn't be in L4 if we were vaccinated earlier. This point is being conveniently overlooked by the MSM and it has to stop
And we can’t force it under BORA so proper quarantine is best. Where are 900,000 Kiwis returning going to live? There’s no chance even with a massive countrywide building and loan scheme (which I favour)prices will go down. They’re decision cripples.
Please get vaccinated. It is a very serious disease. We know vaccination reduces hospitalisation and death rates.
There is massive evidence they're working, not sure what you're reading
look it up, not hard to find
if you want to that is
That’s right even 95 percent won’t stop breakthrough infections and overwhelming our hospitals with it not only mutating but going round and round like we all are a 8 months is when the need for boosters is advised (UK from memory). So I guess we’re back to “kill the poor”.
Thankyou Michelle. The vaccines are working. Please get both doses. Thankyou.
Agree a bubble with Oz opened by them caused this all.
Proper quarantines are the best fix and the cries of let the poor of the world be vaccinated first (as if) were just virtue signalling. Our Governments job is solely to work for us. I often wonder given where all the profits go and how comfortable they are who they are working for. Again as if it’s not obvious. On a very basic chart I wish they’d hold up at a presser of who gets our countries money and resources , to whom does our created money flow?
Please ask the questions that are being ignored by the rest of the journalist, there are many excellent questions listed already.
A major question I feel is not asked is how they can continue to strive for elimination for something that cannot be eliminated?
Holding it at the borders in the hope of no leaks isn’t eliminating it. Even vaccinations won’t stop transmission so are we going to continually be thrown into lockdowns?
In the meantime those us of stuck in Auckland are being detained in our homes and have no freedom, for some ludicrous idea of elimination based on what scientific evidence…
Apart from the fact it can be kept out as other diseases have, even for livestock and fruit as well as people, I am concerned most of the media are either foreign or toddlers or both. Without knowledge of history, interested in petty matters or identity issues rather than substantive issues. Creepy.
Haha I can see us all being compared to fruit and livestock. Never mind the fact that they don’t need to travel in, out or around NZ, keeping those disease out of the country is easy.
I agree most of the media are questionable, focusing on completely wrong points, wonder whether the questions/journalists vetted first…
😂 I recall travelling back into NZ and we would all get sprayed in the cabin before disembarking.
Possibly these kids in the media and Trumpian pitchforks don’t know we ALL had to be vaccinated in order to travel with passports and visas records. I just don’t comprehend this fragility, hysteria and narcissm around reasonable safety controls. It just seems arrogant and ignorant to me.
I absolutely can. And proper border quarantine is most effective not vaccine but if people want to travel they have to suck it up like we always have had to to not risk others. Seriously some in leadership are entirely impractical and some have drunk bleach, taken deworming meds in preference to vaccines so there is a problem which leadership needs to solve for over a year now. It’s a pathetic performance frankly and people, quite justifiably, do not trust any Government ultimately.
Michelle. This is now a warning. No anti-vaccination or climate change denialism here. Thankyou. I have a three strikes policy. This is number one.
Journalists and questions are not vetted. I’m in the Press Gallery and I know.
A couple of them keep bombastically assuming most NZers don’t believe in our elimination strategy without citing any evidence at all. PM must be heartily sick of it as are we all as this narrative keeps getting coverage when I don’t think it’s evaluated or remotely true except from a few vested interest groups.
If anything we’re annoyed they caved to pressure on the Aussie bubble and let returns dodge MIQ and this spread the virus and made us all Lockdown (twice). They need to take responsibility for proper border controls once and for all.Vaccination can only be a second tier strategy. Albeit an effective on as Dr Blomfield said we would have 600 cases in hospital a day and we can’t sustain and haven’t resources that yet either and probably never will satisfactorily considering new variants.
3 Big questions:
First to get a handle on demand - how many MIQ applications currently exist that have not yet been allocated a slot?
Second, why are public MIQ bookings suspended in October and November - is govt afraid that outbreak will not be controlled?
Third (broken record) - what is the target vaccination level for re-opening? Childish response of 'we want everyone to be vaccinated' is something from Never Never Land
Please ask about when MIQ opening also about prioritising citizens returning to NZ to live over sports teams, business people etc... How can the government leave families without jobs, accommodation, visas when we have a right to return home. The wellbeing of thousands of Kiwis stranded overseas needs to be a priority!
Morning Bernard when is the media going to start asking more about MIQ what's happening with it there is know reason why they can not release this new lobby system so at least people could get registered with it and start to learn more about it even if we still can not book a room
Thanks looking forward to your answer