MBIE and NZTE are secretly inviting the worlds wealthy to visit NZ to supposedly invest. Its obvious to everyone that NZ is attractive as a bolt-hole for the worlds wealth, but its not obvious what they would invest in other than massive estates in central Otago. Isn't it time that the likes of NZTE and MBIE need to provide some solid evidence for using taxpayer funds for this? Maybe it can work but they need to support their plans with data, evidence, they have been doing this for years, and we don't know what the results have been yet we (the taxpayer) are funding it.

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What we should do is have a reality show on TV, a bit like Dragon's Den where wealthy potential immigrants pitch their proposal to the public who cast a vote. It could be backed up with a panel of experts and government officials that question the contestants and the public would also be able to send in questions.The program could end up with a global audience and be very profitable and promote NZ products. Nb All copyrights for this idea belongs to me. Awaiting call from TVNZ.

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I am really poking at the absurdity of it all and AB has hit the nail on the head where we seem to cry out for recognition by counting the number of wealthy investors who then camp out briefly in central Otago or overseas super yachts anchored in NZ. I read somewhere that most of these overseas investors take no risks and park their investment in Govt. bonds for the minimum period allowable. I am always impressed by the new immigrant working all hours in an Uber to put their children through University.

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