The govt is under an illusion that NZ has recovered and is wealthy! Massive debt fuelled house inflation and then accelerated consumption off the wealth created for house owners cannot sustain the whole economy forever! I think Goff and Labour have the same idea, to recover their financial positions so they can tell everyone their books are healthy. wellbeing (which was initiated by Ardern) is totally hollow. Ardern wants to bring over 200 wealthy business people to talk about setting up in NZ. I hope the MBIE bureaucrats behind this idea have done proper DD on the group. Its obvious there are shitloads of rich people in the world who want an escape to NZ to be available. Its less obvious how many contribute anything beyond security for themselves. I hope we see some robust and compelling evidence from MBIE and NZTE before taxpayer money is used to support their idea!

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They pretend a lot. They pretended people could access services last year.

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They pretend a lot. They pretended people could access services last year.

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