The Kākā by Bernard Hickey
Dawn Chorus: Cars win again in Auckland back-tracks on parking

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Dawn Chorus: Cars win again in Auckland back-tracks on parking

Auckland Transport drops plans to remove roadside carparks & charge park-n-ride drivers; Govt plans beefier direction to councils to consent renewable power plants & lines; National candidate resigns
Giving way to the cars: AT is backing away from policies that prioritised ‘active transport’ such as walking and cycling. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The Kākā

TL;DR: The pro-car backlash against policies designed to reduce climate emissions is in full swing in Auckland after the election of Mayor Wayne Brown and his directive to Auckland Transport (AT) for a “complete change in approach.”

AT is reported this morning to have abandoned a long-running drive for special powers to remove kerbside parking for things like cycleways and has dropped a proposal to charge at park-and-ride stations. NZ Herald (Bernard Orsman) Stuff (Erin Johnson) Stuff (Todd Niall).

Meanwhile, Environment Minister David Parker and Energy Minister Megan Woods are set to announce plans later today for tougher centralised directions to council to approve renewable electricity plants, lines and other infrastructures. Stuff (Tom Pullar Strecker).

However, the Labour pro-climate message is being undermined by revelations that Parker overrode advice from officials to make it harder for NZ Steel to get a fresh consent to emit millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide without having to pay for emissions credits over the next 25 years. Stuff (Eloise Gibson)

Paying subscribers can see more on these stories below the paywall fold and in the podcast above.

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