Low debt and low tax settings come home to roost after 30 years of under-investment and the last decade of super-fast population growth; Hospitals under extreme pressure this week for the same reason
Where are you getting your 5% figure for wage growth that you talk about in the podcast? According to a few sources I looked up, it's been 3% or lower for at least a decade?
Hi Bernard,
Where are you getting your 5% figure for wage growth that you talk about in the podcast? According to a few sources I looked up, it's been 3% or lower for at least a decade?
(https://www.publicservice.govt.nz/our-work/workforce-data/wage-growth-by-sector/#:~:text=In%20the%20year%20to%20June,the%20year%20to%20June%202020. , https://www.stats.govt.nz/news/average-earnings-increase-despite-slowing-wage-inflation , https://tradingeconomics.com/new-zealand/wages )