Nov 26, 2023Liked by Bernard Hickey

Very grateful to listen to well explained Climate Change dialogue. Once again those at lower income levels suffer most & pay more.

Alarming knowledge which I feel unable to explain to folk I know. Please keep explaining so can get change to save environment.

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You should hear Steve Keen tearing Nordhaus’ economic models to pieces 🤣

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Bernard Hickey

If they kick the can any further down the road it may melt - certainly the aluminium ones!

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is it just me, or does 'climate' and 'finance' feel like an oxymoron??

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Thanks Catherine, it is great to have regular climate reporting. I despair at the broken economic models. After all, this new government is all about evidence based policy and cost benefit analysis. Of course, if they had done that prior to coalition talks we would not be facing three years of time wasting, public service slashing and climate delay.

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Thanks Cathrine. I appreciate your expertise. Just too depressing to comment on....

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This is such an excellent explanation of what is going on. Somehow the illusions need to be exposed.

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