Waiting for the charter schools to end in inevitable conclusion - attracting power hungry corporations and power hungry people who are more likely to abuse kids. I mean, why else are they wanting the set up outside normal Education systems with the checks and oversights?
Waiting for the charter schools to end in inevitable conclusion - attracting power hungry corporations and power hungry people who are more likely to abuse kids. I mean, why else are they wanting the set up outside normal Education systems with the checks and oversights?
Changing public schools to charter schools supported by public subsidies and not having to meet the standards of public schools is (a) just looting public wealth, (b) without any mandate, (c) going to be at a cost to the pupils of those schools that are converted who want to stay in the public education system, and (d) directly undermines the Minister of Education's intentions for public schools.
And this attempted looting of public assets is not an isolated incident under this government.
We already have that with special character schools and schools using NCEA alternatives. What is the point of having charter schools? The money would be better spent providing much-needed classrooms and fixing unhealthy and/or dangerous school buildings.
I wouldn't say it is power hungry corporations and people. I would more say it is people with an alternate agenda; most probably based on religion or ideology. This isn't an opportunity to make heaps of profit.
So, we'll see Saudi funding for Muslim schools, Iwi funding for language immersion, fringe "christian" organisations for teaching the old testament, and others.
But none of the extracurricular teachings will be for the benefit of the children; more it will be indoctrination to keep the child within the belief structure of the ideology of adults.
You're probably right. My first thought came from your use of the word corporation and that a charter school would be a way for a corporation to make a bigger profit than doing something different, which I doubt.
I don’t doubt it. Why not use the current special character School system like many religious schools currently do? What’s the purpose of charter schools other than to funnel public money into private hands?
Or brainwashing like Gloriavale. Born and raised to believe that God wants them to be slaves or they go to Hell. Only possible with alternative schooling.
They can start a church, with the added financial bonus - no tax. Destiny Church's leader / thug and self proclaimed Bishop tried to start a charter school the last time they were introduced. He was turned down for funding. Praise the Lord.
I was in the street when Tamaki's convoy went past. It was heartbreaking and gross to witness, and intimidating as a straight woman - so I imagine doubly threatening for a queer person of any gender or culture.
Tamaki is a misogynist creep of the highest order.
We do not want Tamaki's gang rehabilitating our vulnerable prisoners, preaching to any congregation, or running a school.
Māori have been colonised once - brought to their knees by the missionaries, systematically stripped of their reo and Tīkanga by colonial thinking. Let's not allow damaged goods like Tamaki to keep repeating that history.
Talking as a Jewish person, Miriam Margolyes recently said:
"....to me, it seems as if Hitler has one. He's changed us Jews from being compassionate and caring and 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you', into this vicious, genocidal nationalistic Nation."
If Tamaki with his prosperity gospel homophobic religiosity is empowered to further indoctrinate vulnerable people (who will of course disproportionately be Māori and Pasifika) then it will be the missionaries, the colonisers, with their bibles and muskets, who will have won in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A second strike on Tīkanga Māori. A second strike on our collective humanity.
Waiting for the charter schools to end in inevitable conclusion - attracting power hungry corporations and power hungry people who are more likely to abuse kids. I mean, why else are they wanting the set up outside normal Education systems with the checks and oversights?
Changing public schools to charter schools supported by public subsidies and not having to meet the standards of public schools is (a) just looting public wealth, (b) without any mandate, (c) going to be at a cost to the pupils of those schools that are converted who want to stay in the public education system, and (d) directly undermines the Minister of Education's intentions for public schools.
And this attempted looting of public assets is not an isolated incident under this government.
Instead of charter schools, just allow state schools to teach a different curriculum when nedded to suit the needs of some students.
We already have that with special character schools and schools using NCEA alternatives. What is the point of having charter schools? The money would be better spent providing much-needed classrooms and fixing unhealthy and/or dangerous school buildings.
Charter schools are the beginning of Act's attempt to privatise the public education system - boiling the frog one degree at a time.
Hi Julie
I wouldn't say it is power hungry corporations and people. I would more say it is people with an alternate agenda; most probably based on religion or ideology. This isn't an opportunity to make heaps of profit.
So, we'll see Saudi funding for Muslim schools, Iwi funding for language immersion, fringe "christian" organisations for teaching the old testament, and others.
But none of the extracurricular teachings will be for the benefit of the children; more it will be indoctrination to keep the child within the belief structure of the ideology of adults.
That’s still about power though. Power and control of children’s access to information
You're probably right. My first thought came from your use of the word corporation and that a charter school would be a way for a corporation to make a bigger profit than doing something different, which I doubt.
I don’t doubt it. Why not use the current special character School system like many religious schools currently do? What’s the purpose of charter schools other than to funnel public money into private hands?
Or brainwashing like Gloriavale. Born and raised to believe that God wants them to be slaves or they go to Hell. Only possible with alternative schooling.
Could a gang start a charter school ?
They can start a church, with the added financial bonus - no tax. Destiny Church's leader / thug and self proclaimed Bishop tried to start a charter school the last time they were introduced. He was turned down for funding. Praise the Lord.
Well According to David seymour destiny church will be first off the rank
I was in the street when Tamaki's convoy went past. It was heartbreaking and gross to witness, and intimidating as a straight woman - so I imagine doubly threatening for a queer person of any gender or culture.
Tamaki is a misogynist creep of the highest order.
We do not want Tamaki's gang rehabilitating our vulnerable prisoners, preaching to any congregation, or running a school.
Māori have been colonised once - brought to their knees by the missionaries, systematically stripped of their reo and Tīkanga by colonial thinking. Let's not allow damaged goods like Tamaki to keep repeating that history.
Talking as a Jewish person, Miriam Margolyes recently said:
"....to me, it seems as if Hitler has one. He's changed us Jews from being compassionate and caring and 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you', into this vicious, genocidal nationalistic Nation."
If Tamaki with his prosperity gospel homophobic religiosity is empowered to further indoctrinate vulnerable people (who will of course disproportionately be Māori and Pasifika) then it will be the missionaries, the colonisers, with their bibles and muskets, who will have won in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A second strike on Tīkanga Māori. A second strike on our collective humanity.
*passed 🫣 yikes!