Ask Me Anything about the week to Nov 17
Paying subscribers can ask Bernard Hickey about the week’s news, including the extended negotiations to form a Government, Auckland's push for congestion charging and our 'Churn & Burn' economy
It’s that time of the week for an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session for paying subscribers about the week that was for an hour, including:
unending negotiations to form a Government;
Auckland Council’s new push for congestion charging;
fresh record highs for inward and outward migration; and,
a stronger case for forgiving welfare debt.
Fill yer boots
More about you, actually. I've been amazed at your work rate and all you've done as the most insightful journalism in New Zealand. I suspect a lot of others feel the same way. I really enjoy your daily podcasts and emails, but I'd get by if you gave yourself a break and it was a couple a week and not every day. And I'd rather know that was giving you more time to do your digging and delving. So, as one happyy subscriber, please do give yourself a bit more space and scope.
And on the Hoon, it's great but move it to a Thursday if that works better for you and other contributors. But please keep Robert Patman, Josie Pagani, Cathrine Dyer and, yes, the exuberant Peter Bale. They're all great. But could we adjust Peter's medication just a tad so he doesn't interrupt quite so much. 😊
Can we spare a thought for ANZ and their touching concerns that home affordability is becoming the domain of the rich and privileged? They have somehow, inextricably and through no fault of their own found themselves in a position where their profits - a modest and measly few billion - are now at risk. A true tragedy.