Hi Bernard, thanks for all your insights and commentary. It's so refreshing to hear someone speak so candidly and honestly about very real issues. You've spoken several times recently about the 30/30 mantra and explained how this is really hindering progress towards very big issues including climate change and underinvestment in infrastr…
Hi Bernard, thanks for all your insights and commentary. It's so refreshing to hear someone speak so candidly and honestly about very real issues. You've spoken several times recently about the 30/30 mantra and explained how this is really hindering progress towards very big issues including climate change and underinvestment in infrastructure. In your opinion what would be a key action that would budge parties/politicians on this and what do you think would be the most effective issue for constituents to push on to challenge this idea?
Thanks Carolyn. Anything that creates a win-win for the parties would help. That's why I think Labour-Green will to give up on the big, expensive and slow projects. And National-ACT will have to commit to congestion charges. We'll see.
Hi Bernard, thanks for all your insights and commentary. It's so refreshing to hear someone speak so candidly and honestly about very real issues. You've spoken several times recently about the 30/30 mantra and explained how this is really hindering progress towards very big issues including climate change and underinvestment in infrastructure. In your opinion what would be a key action that would budge parties/politicians on this and what do you think would be the most effective issue for constituents to push on to challenge this idea?
Thanks Carolyn. Anything that creates a win-win for the parties would help. That's why I think Labour-Green will to give up on the big, expensive and slow projects. And National-ACT will have to commit to congestion charges. We'll see.