Having seen the blinkered way Treasury and mainstream Econ wallahs see the world I’m not optimistic you’ll convince them to have a “road to Damascus” conversion to investing in infrastructure but keep up the pressure!
Having seen the blinkered way Treasury and mainstream Econ wallahs see the world I’m not optimistic you’ll convince them to have a “road to Damascus” conversion to investing in infrastructure but keep up the pressure!
Thanks RobertJ. I do have a few silent watchers inside the machine who quietly support and cheer me on, albeit without achieving much. I do think the tide is turning a bit though. The sorts of debates we're now having wouldn't have even been considered a decade ago.
Having seen the blinkered way Treasury and mainstream Econ wallahs see the world I’m not optimistic you’ll convince them to have a “road to Damascus” conversion to investing in infrastructure but keep up the pressure!
Thanks RobertJ. I do have a few silent watchers inside the machine who quietly support and cheer me on, albeit without achieving much. I do think the tide is turning a bit though. The sorts of debates we're now having wouldn't have even been considered a decade ago.