Accepting the dividends and focusing on getting debt down to ensure home owners get an extra basis point or two of rate reduction, and to preserve high land values.
Accepting the dividends and focusing on getting debt down to ensure home owners get an extra basis point or two of rate reduction, and to preserve high land values.
...much of this *waves hands in all directions* economic, social and political carnage is the result of a rookie political leader prepared to strike bizarre coalition deals to take power.
I've said all along that he is so far out of his depth. Hubris has got him this far - the real power brokers are happy to have him there but will throw him overboard as soon as convenient. I'd almost feel sorry for him as he is such a chump, but he's unworthy.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the Winston train about to derail the government when he is no longer DPM.
The Greens and Labour really have to get their shit together and avoid distractions like "should Tana be an MP". Focus on working to throw this hydra headed coalition out and fixing the myriad of problems that are becoming untenable, because I think we will have an election next year.
Accepting the dividends and focusing on getting debt down to ensure home owners get an extra basis point or two of rate reduction, and to preserve high land values.
...much of this *waves hands in all directions* economic, social and political carnage is the result of a rookie political leader prepared to strike bizarre coalition deals to take power.
I've said all along that he is so far out of his depth. Hubris has got him this far - the real power brokers are happy to have him there but will throw him overboard as soon as convenient. I'd almost feel sorry for him as he is such a chump, but he's unworthy.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the Winston train about to derail the government when he is no longer DPM.
The Greens and Labour really have to get their shit together and avoid distractions like "should Tana be an MP". Focus on working to throw this hydra headed coalition out and fixing the myriad of problems that are becoming untenable, because I think we will have an election next year.
So did I get this right: we are supposed to keep ourselves cold and dirty while investors and the govt reap the dividends?
Yep. Brrrrrrr