In which Thomas Coughlan and I take a hoon around the estimates of our infrastructure deficit; Grant Robertson’s response; a new debt ceiling; the PM’s wealth tax wobble and Orr vs Willis & Swarbrick
I wrote to the PM advising her to sack her FM. It was clear to me NZ needed new thinking post COVID pandemic. GR has proven not up to the task by resorting to austerity budgets to please the elites pre election, which he eludes to. Of course, NZ can print money for whatever demand is unfulfilled.
NZ needs fewer mainstream economists going forward. They lack empathy & resort to failed economic strategy which fails most kiwis.
What needs to happen is the median voter needs to care for others other than only themselves. GR is a good finance minister from the median voters point of view just like the next National one will be.
Low to middle income earners can’t afford our Government on top of their quadruple dipping for services (tax, rates, user charges plus a private better services). All Goverments are pushing us all too far breaching our rights and which effects the vulnerable, women and children the worst. They really are “outsourcing” all our rights and some people’s obligations and the vulnerable needs dodging responsibilitities and duties of adequate care. I think they’ve all found themselves stuck with a conundrum at a cliffface that cannot be avoided if they are to serve the majority rather than only the wealthy. Hence trying to undermine democracy, erase women, keep the treatment of children and the disabled hidden, and promote their “low wage economy” in fact, ignore that 1/4 of the population has a disability, that climate change is happening, to be effective people need homes and a Quality of Life. Ignoring longstanding laws, reducing access to Justice and blame individuals rather than those systems of oppression which make living impossible for many. They can’t decide what is an individuals responsibility and what is the collectives’ society we need to thrive. Mainly because they’ve been dodging the necessity of paying the piper in favour of men for so long to enslave thei labour and that requires a toxic and unnatural system which breaks down families into “labour units” and goes against human needs and nature. It’s so irrational it does not even calculate the costs in bodies and unpaid labour of women in order to sustain the “peasantry” so the system and taxation, monetary and financial systems are still exploitative and feudal in nature ….for money which isn’t even real, just a token, and needs reforming. Tricky to do from a small country at the bottom of the world. So from Government it’s all hot air to an informed public experiencing daily the inadequacies and overreach of the state.
If I’ve learnt anything from the Kaka it’s just that there isn’t enough money to get shit sorted. Taxing the “elites” is pure Green Party fairy dust( as much as I admire Chloe’s ability to wind up old white males) they’ll move their money in the blink of an eye if they think any Govt is coming for them. We need to figure out some innovative ways to get things done. Not just the more tax (your property tax idea is fine) more spending approach that’s got us here.
I wrote to the PM advising her to sack her FM. It was clear to me NZ needed new thinking post COVID pandemic. GR has proven not up to the task by resorting to austerity budgets to please the elites pre election, which he eludes to. Of course, NZ can print money for whatever demand is unfulfilled.
NZ needs fewer mainstream economists going forward. They lack empathy & resort to failed economic strategy which fails most kiwis.
What needs to happen is the median voter needs to care for others other than only themselves. GR is a good finance minister from the median voters point of view just like the next National one will be.
Low to middle income earners can’t afford our Government on top of their quadruple dipping for services (tax, rates, user charges plus a private better services). All Goverments are pushing us all too far breaching our rights and which effects the vulnerable, women and children the worst. They really are “outsourcing” all our rights and some people’s obligations and the vulnerable needs dodging responsibilitities and duties of adequate care. I think they’ve all found themselves stuck with a conundrum at a cliffface that cannot be avoided if they are to serve the majority rather than only the wealthy. Hence trying to undermine democracy, erase women, keep the treatment of children and the disabled hidden, and promote their “low wage economy” in fact, ignore that 1/4 of the population has a disability, that climate change is happening, to be effective people need homes and a Quality of Life. Ignoring longstanding laws, reducing access to Justice and blame individuals rather than those systems of oppression which make living impossible for many. They can’t decide what is an individuals responsibility and what is the collectives’ society we need to thrive. Mainly because they’ve been dodging the necessity of paying the piper in favour of men for so long to enslave thei labour and that requires a toxic and unnatural system which breaks down families into “labour units” and goes against human needs and nature. It’s so irrational it does not even calculate the costs in bodies and unpaid labour of women in order to sustain the “peasantry” so the system and taxation, monetary and financial systems are still exploitative and feudal in nature ….for money which isn’t even real, just a token, and needs reforming. Tricky to do from a small country at the bottom of the world. So from Government it’s all hot air to an informed public experiencing daily the inadequacies and overreach of the state.
If I’ve learnt anything from the Kaka it’s just that there isn’t enough money to get shit sorted. Taxing the “elites” is pure Green Party fairy dust( as much as I admire Chloe’s ability to wind up old white males) they’ll move their money in the blink of an eye if they think any Govt is coming for them. We need to figure out some innovative ways to get things done. Not just the more tax (your property tax idea is fine) more spending approach that’s got us here.
Great hoon thanks!