Roosting chorus:499,649 young non-voters
Election turnout of 18-39 year olds up from 2017, but 499,649 still didn't vote; Labour to double sick leave by mid-2021, but keep carryover days at 10; Auckland eyes $3.50 congestion charge by 2025
TLDR: The Electoral Commission released turnout figures for the October 17 election this afternoon that showed turnout improved for 18-39 year olds, but 499,649 still didn’t vote.
PM Jacinda Ardern repeated today she didn’t think a Capital Gains Tax was possible because the people (who vote) had spoken in three elections. If those half a million had voted or Ardern thought they might vote, the results might have been different.
Arden and Workplace Relations Minister Michael Wood announced the Government would introduce legislation before Christmas to double the number of sick days to at least 10 a year by mid-2021, although it reduced some of the extra cost for employers by keeping the ‘carryover’ limit for sick days at 20 days.
DHBs and the PSA announced they had agreed a pay equity deal for up to 8,500 clerical and administration workers that would see their pay increased by up to $2,500 a year. That will boost earnings and spending.
In the economy, the Reserve Bank reported nearly $3b in extra mortgage lending in October, while lending to businesses and farmers fell nearly $700m, further inflaming fears that the Reserve Bank’s money printing and lending programmes to lower interest rates are overwhelmingly going into inflating prices of existing homes. Local jobs figures for October were strong, as were industrial production surveys in China and Japan.
Overseas, Australia reacted angrily to China’s foreign spokesman tweeting a photoshopped image of an Australian soldier committing a war crime. Ardern would not get involved in the fight.
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Coming up
Tues - Dec 1 - Government to introduce Climate Change Emergency legislation to Parliament on Tue
Weds - Dec 9 - Parliament rises for 2020
Dec 16 - Treasury releases its Half Yearly Fiscal and Economic Update
Dec 17 - Stats NZ publishes Sept qtr GDP
Dec 22 - Final cabinet meeting of 2020
Feb 1 - The Climate Change Commission will release its first draft of the national carbon budget under the Zero Carbon Act.
Ngā Mihi
PS: Many thanks to my lovely daughter Eilish for today’s Kākā drawing