Meri Kirihimete and best wishes for the summer
Bernard Hickey and Lynn Grieveson wish all subscribers to The Kaka a safe and happy break for the summer. We also have an early Boxing Day introductory offer to become a full paying subscriber.
TLDR: Meri Kirihimete from us. 2022 was an extraordinary year of growth for The Kaka and we appreciate all of our subscribers for your time, your support, your thoughtfulness and energy.
We’re now taking a break from all publishing of articles, podcasts and commenting until Monday, January 16. We hope you all can take some time off too.
But before we go, we’d like to offer all subscribers on the free tier the chance to go fully paid before the end of the year with this 26%-off Boxing Day Special, which is available until the New Year for new subscribers to sign up for their first year. Remember, we also have a regular annual offer of $65 for renters over 65 who are reliant on NZ Superannuation and a regular annual offer of $30 for under 30s.
By the way, check out the stats and charts below on our highlights and progress.
2022 was a cracker. We look forward to 2023.
We love a good chart
In 2022, our community of all subscribers more than doubled to almost 12,000 and the number of subscribers on the full top tier more than trebled, including over 1,000 subscribers with school, university and polytechnic email addresses who we we upgraded to the top tier for free. Actual paying subscriber numbers rose almost 70% to around 1,700, although not everyone is paying the full price yet. We’ve had a few introductory specials. We appreciate all your support, which has allowed us to take a full break this year. We hope you all get some rest and sun this summer.
Our most-read articles and most-listened-to podcasts
Ka kite ano.
Happy Christmas, Bernard and Lynn. Great work this year. I finished the year much better informed than I was at the beginning.
Have a good break, and remember (when you pick up the cudgels again) that sometimes a shorter Dawn Chorus is ok. But your relentless focus on housing, child poverty, and climate change/global heating is the right one. Keep at it!
happy holidays
Meri Kirihimete Bernard and Lynn. Thanks for the excellent content and really glad you can have a decent break, it’s well deserved :)