Dawn chorus: Rent affordability worsens
Stats NZ report shows rental poverty has doubled in the last 30 years; RBNZ says return of LVRs might slow inflation by 1-2 percentage points; UK starts vaccine rollout; Brexit talks on the brink
TLDR: Morena. PM Jacinda Ardern apologised for the Government’s failings before and after the Christchurch attacks and pledged a bi-partisan response in any legislative response. But it looks to be in trouble straight away, with Judith Collins saying National would block moves to bolster hate speech laws.
Elsewhere, Stats NZ released its first major review of Housing in 11 years, finding home ownership rates at their lowest levels in 70 years and a further worsening of rental affordability. The Reserve Bank opened consultation for the reimposition of LVR controls. It estimated that that a return to the pre-May LVR controls would reduce house price inflation by one to two percentage points, relative to the counterfactual. For example, down from 10% to 9%.
Overseas, Britain administered its first vaccine shot overnight, but last-ditch talks to secure some sort of orderly Brexit for January 1 remain near the brink of collapse.
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Coming up…

Dec 9 - Parliament rises for 2020, followed by Press Gallery Party (woohoo!).
Dec 16 - Treasury releases its Half Yearly Fiscal and Economic Update (a full week to recover)
Dec 17 - Stats NZ publishes Sept qtr GDP
Dec 22 - Final cabinet meeting of 2020
Feb 1 - The Climate Change Commission will release its first draft of the national carbon budget under the Zero Carbon Act
Feb - Financial Action Task Force’s mutual evaluation report of New Zealand is expected in February.
Ngā Mihi
PS Thanks Melissa Boardman for her pic today and for her amazing book Birds of New Zealand Ngā manu o Aotearoa. Each bird has its own collective noun. The collective for Kākā is a Hoon of Kākā. Brilliant! Here’s more via Stuff and RNZ.
Banks are starting to comment that deposit rates are dropping and deposits are walking out the door. this will add pressure to banks lending policies. The RBNZ and maybe the govt naively have fuelled and enabled banks reckless lending on houses to the point where interest rates cannot move up! Its a disgrace, now govt, RBNZ and Banks will manipulate policies to continue to support the house inflation because they cant let it drop, or NZ crashes! Renters are screwed, people trying to enter the market are in trouble! Labour's policies to support SME's are pathetic compared to houses, yet this is where wages and salaries come from! Govt, RBNZ and Banks are educating NZr's to buy houses at all costs for investment. Without stimulation and with any upward rate movement this charade crashes, badly! Not hard to predict the govt and RBNZ's policy strategy next 5 years.
So, NZ net emissions increased 60% since 1990, and we don't know why? Dairy herd doubled, NZ population up 60%, energy consumption up 100%, immigration up 300%, Vehicle fleet up