Dawn chorus: Goodfellow's 'temporary tyranny'
National President re-elected after blaming loss on 'temporary tyranny' of 'televangelist' PM at 1pm pressers; Key and Carter disagree and argue National should blame itself
TLDR: Morena. National MPs and members voted to re-elect Peter Goodfellow as party President over the weekend, but his speech to the conference is proving controversial. He said National lost because of Jacinda Ardern’s popularity and the ‘temporary tyranny’ of the 1pm pressers over Covid.
John Key and new board member David Carter disagreed and said they would not have made those comments, saying instead National needed to blame its own lack of discipline and competence.
Elsewhere, Nanaia Mahuta defended New Zealand’s new tougher pro-Five Eyes stance against China, despite its threats about ‘plucking out the eyes’ of critics of its Hong Kong policy. In America, Joe Biden will name his cabinet tomorrow night in the face of Donald Trump’s refusal to go, which has delayed meaningful action on Covid-19 and a new economic stimulus. Watch out this week for the opening of Parliament and the Reserve Bank’s Financial Stability Report.
In our political economy over the weekend and this morning

In the global political economy over the weekend
Signs o’ the times news

My longer reads and listens over the weekend

Coming up
Mon Nov 23 - Stats NZ releases Retail trade survey for Sept quarter
Weds Nov 25 - 2pm - Reserve Bank to publish six monthly Financial Stability Report (FSR) . Expected to warn of re-imposition of high LVR lending limits from May 1, 2021.
Weds Nov 25 - Opening of Parliament for 53rd term, including swearing in of new MPs
Thurs Nov 26 - Speech from the throne in Parliament outlining Government’s agenda
Dec 1 - Landlords must include a Healthy Homes statement with any renewed tenancy agreement after this date. Landlords have until July 2024 to comply with new rules on heating, insulation and dampness.
Weds Dec 9 - Parliament rises for the year.
Ngā mihi
PS: Many thanks to John Gallagher via Twitter for today’s Kākā pic.