The Ask Me Anything about the week to Feb 10
Paying subscribers asked Bernard Hickey about the week’s news, including Auckland’s flood fallout; Hipkins’ ‘bonfire of the policies’; Labour catching National in more polls etc. Here's the discussion
See the discussion below from earlier in the day with paying subscribers in our weekly ‘Ask Me Anything’ session from midday to 1pm on a Friday to get a feel for what we talk about, including:
The fallout from Auckland’s catastrophic floods, with the prospect of more from Cyclone Gabrielle and a revival of (wrong-headed) NIMBYist rhetoric about intensification causing the floods;
Christchurch and Auckland Councils pushing to gut the housing densification of their district plans that were ordered centrally last year by the Government;
Chris Hipkins’ ‘deck clearing’ exercise, including the ditching of the TVNZ-RNZ merger, the parking of social insurance, the dropping of the biofuels mandate and the 7% increase in the minimum wage; and,
Two more polls showing Labour catching National.
No question Bernard - just wanted to jump on and say thanks for your mahi this past week or so; you've covered some important stories with the kind of insight - and attitude - that I think we need.
I listened to the podcast Your Undivided Attention this week (the same crew behind the Netflix doco The Social Dilemma) on the social evolution of cooperation. It's the first time I've felt a tug of hope for humanity in a long time. Highly recommend it in the context of moving through the political stalemate our society (local, national and global) is in at the moment.
I then found this interview with the RSA (Royal Society of Arts) on the same topic, for anyone interested