Ask Me Anything about the week to May 19
Paying subscribers can ask Bernard Hickey about the week’s news, including Budget 2023, how inflationary it was, what might happen to mortgage rates and what it means for the election
It’s that time of the week for an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session for paying subscribers about the week that was for an hour from midday (my apologies for the late start today), including:
Budget 2023’s inflationary impulse and what that might mean for mortgage rates and the election result;
Wayne Brown’s capitulation on cutting social services to save money;
the Government’s non-action in response to the building products market study; and,
the Loafers Lodge fire.
And anything else you fancy. Fill yer’ boots. I’m here for the full hour. Jump into the comments to ask questions.
By the way, I’ve been doing more via Chat this week and have been thrilled to see so many useful and thoughtful comments from paying subscribers. Here’s links to a few of those:
What can we do, as individuals and collectively, to get politicians to make better decisions for the long term, rather than just being focused on getting re-elected? Particularly for climate change, but also for inequality, house prices and the myriad of other problems that cannot be solved in a 3 year period
What's Standard & Poor's deal with our credit rating? We're one of the most fiscally conservative countries in the world - if we're "frightening" them with our slightly less than austere (but still highly austere by global standards) budget then surely they aren't fans of lending money to the vast majority of countries out there?
I find all of this ironic given they are the company that stamped toxic subprime mortgage backed security bonds that send the global economy into the toilet in 2008 with AAA credit ratings...
(Slight rant at these ratings agencies thinly disguised as a question today)